Vilniaus universitetas

Proteomikos centras

Lietuvos biochemiku draugija

nacionaliniai nacionaliniai

Mokslo, inovacijų ir technologijų agentūros (MITA) administruojami projektai

2014-2020 m. ES fondų investicijų veiksmų programa

„MTEP rezultatų komercinimo ir tarptautiškumo skatinimas“

„Pažangios technologijos inovatyviam nevaisingumo gydymui“, Nr. 01.2.2-MITA-K-702-12-0004, 2021-2023, vad. dr. Rūta Navakauskienė
Projekto santrauka:

Eureka Funding for “Advanced technologies for innovative infertility treatment” international project Granted to Vilnius University Life Sciences Center Institute of Biochemistry, Ukrainian Institute of Cell Therapy and Nanodiagnostika, Ltd.

Project description: The project "Advanced technologies for innovative infertility treatment" E!1638 (“Pažangios technologijos inovatyviam nevaisingumo gydymui” Nr. 13.1.1-MITA-K-702-0001, 2021-04-29 – 2023-04-29) is aimed to stimulate international collaborative research between academic institution (Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biochemistry), an international partner LLC “Institute of Cell Therapy" in Ukraine and Nanodiagnostika, Ltd., in Lithuania that will be directed to the development of an innovative technology for infertility treatment.
The project is innovative because up to 15-20% of couples of reproductive age (according to WHO data) have the problem of infertility both in the countries of the European Union and globally. The reasons for this are various, but very often they are not known. The project will investigate cases of infertility in women of unknown origin, i.e. when both partners are healthy. The diagnosis of such pathology is particularly complicated, resulting in the use of standard treatment protocols and is therefore often ineffective. The project will aim to develop an innovative technology to efficiently isolate stem cells from perinatal structures (placenta, umbilical cord tissue) and reproductive system tissues (endometrium) that are suitable for innovative treatment of infertility of unknown origin. Using the new isolation methodologies, the isolated stem cells will be characterized (proliferation, viability studies, surface marker detection, gene expression, epigenetic profile) and preclinical studies using laboratory animals will be performed after evaluation of the stem cell characteristics.